Material strength testing equipment is used to measure the direct or relative strength of construction materials. Compressive strength is most common but flexural and strength related properties may also be evaluated.
The SCHMIDT Hammer is the most frequently used method worldwide for non-destructive testing of concrete and structural components. It is best suited to relative concrete strength and quality. The Original Schmidt uses the original R value mechanism
The Silver Schmidt Live is the latest version of Proceq's Q Value Rebound Hammer. Schmidt hammers are most commonly used for evaluating the strength and uniformity of concrete. Part of the Live instrument family from Proceq, the new iOS and Android application records measurements and supports instant reporting and information sharing between users.
Automatic Compression Machines are used to determine compressive, splitting and flexural strengths. In Australia, the most common compressive strength testing procedures are cylinder strength tests for concrete according to AS 1012.9, and cube tests for cement materials.
PCTE can supply Cylinder Moulds manufactured from either hard plastic or steel. The galvanised steel moulds have a two part and clamp attached base plate, and are extremely durable, corrosion resistant and simple to clean. Third generation moulds feature an improved finish, new handle and mechanism, and a flat join.