Crack Width Measuring Camera

$ 0.00 AUD

The crack width camera combines smart crack detection and measurement with a close focus camera to immediately measure and document crack widths in a construction project.

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The most critical criteria for long term durability of a concrete structure is sufficient concrete cover with no defects. Cracking in cover concrete provides a direct path for faster ingress of chlorides and carbonation and a maximum crack width is a common specification requirement.

Crack mapping of complete structures is slow and has issues with traceability. The use of a data logging camera to record crack widths combines measurement with recording and improves the ergonomics of crack mapping on site.


The Crack Width Measuring Camera is suitable for the measurement of crack widths between 0.01 and 10 mm.

Crack measurement is automated, but measurements can be adjusted manually by the operator during or after testing. Files are stored by project, with a single project recording many measurements, along with each image used to capture that measurement.


The wireless probe holds a camera with 60 x magnification. It is supplied with an Android Tablet for data collection and Windows PC software to review measurements and images together by Project and export results.

Equipment Package As Supplied

Crack Width Camera

0 - 10 mm


0.01 mm



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VicRoads TN 038
Technical Note TN 038 - Cracks in Concrete
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