GPR Insights

$ 0.00 AUD

Screening Eagle´s GPR data analytics and visualization software delivers superior quality of data post-processing thanks to the long-established GPR Slice algorithms and intuitive web-based software.

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In 2021, GPR Slice joined the Screening Eagle ecosystem and provides comprehensive data analytics software to handle very complex data sets.

For users who are entering the world of advanced GPR data post-processing, or those who want to reduce their workflow by up to 80%, GPR Insights has established a new standard in the industry. You can use GPR Insights from anywhere, on any device and independently of your operating system. The only thing you need is a web browser.

Visualize your GPR data in never-seen-before quality. Whether the GPR data was limited by site and weather conditions, or positioning errors, you can achieve clear data analysis with our advanced software. You can quite literally transform raw data, from any GPR equipment, into 3D visualization rendering and obtain the deepest insights.

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