The Slab Impulse Response (SIR) system is designed to identify subgrade voids below slabs-on-grade, behind retaining walls, grout behind tunnel segments.
The method is excellent for evaluating the repair of slab sub-grade support conditions by comparing the support conditions before and after repair
The Slab IR test method can also be used on concrete structures to quickly locate areas of de-lamination or void in the concrete, if the damage is relatively shallow. Slab IR can be performed on reinforced and non-reinforced concrete slabs as well as asphalt or asphalt overlay slabs.
The elements that can be tested include, concrete slabs, pavements, runways, spillways, pond and pool bottoms, and tunnel liners. The Slab IR method is often used in conjunction with GPR for sub-grade void detection and mapping. Testing can locate:
The Slab IR method requires access to the top surface for receiver locations and hammer hitting. The receiver is mounted to the surface of the slab adjacent to the impact location and generally 10-15 cm away. In easy access areas, 400-600 Slab IR tests can be performed in an 8 hour work day.