Paper Schmidt PS8000

$ 0.00 AUD

Paper, packing and wrapping roll hardness testing using the rebound hammer principle. Designed specifically for the paper industry to reduce costs and increase winding machine efficiency.

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PaperSchmidt is the first rebound test hammer specifically designed for roll hardness testing. It has a new hardness test measuring principle and a high compliance plunger that provides roll-profiling accuracy and repeatability that was unachievable before now.

In addition, it has an extended lifetime to cope with the heavy demands of the paper industry and dedicated tools, such as pre-defined tolerances that make assessing a profile a simple matter.


Benefits to the customer

Accurate Profiling: Sensitivity and repeatability to a degree unmatched by conventional roll testers. Dedicated firmware allows instant analysis of the data on the instrument’s display.

Durability: The PaperSchmidt has a vastly improved service lifetime compared with traditional instruments.

Ease of use: Intuitive operator interface (displaying hardness, profiles, limits, roll IDs, etc.). Automatic reloading and automatic data storage allows the fastest possible test performance.

Live Version allows you to connect you to phone or iPad with PaperSchmidt App.

New Features:

  • Log Data with Images and Notes
  • Statistics view
  • Verification assistance
  • Video Tutorials


Exceptional Roll Profile Accuracy

The PaperSchmidt’s unique design combines the simplicity of the test hammer method with accuracy that was previously only achievable with much more expensive instruments. The PaperSchmidt iOS application provides useful information to the operator immediately after data collection.

The PaperSchmidt consists of:

  • The PaperSchmidt
  • battery charger with USB-cable
  • carrying strap
  • documentation
  • carrying bag

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