DeFelsko’s PosiTest HHD is a pulsed DC, HV Holiday Detector, it is used to locate holidays, pinholes and discontinuity over coatings.
Coating failures often begin with minor flaws, a Holiday Detector is able to locate flaws that cannot be seen by eye, including thin and missing coating.
Pulsed DC models are suitable for use over low conductivity, dirty or damp surfaces, even concrete.
The PosiTest HHD is flexible, with an included standard fan brush electrode. Also available are optional flat wire electrodes, conductive rubber flat and rolling spring to surround columns and pipes.
Adaptors are available for all common brands of electrode, and the unit can be converted into a wand configuration if voltages required are <15 kV
Conforms to AS 3894.1 and international standards.
A holiday detector is a non-destructive instrument for detecting discontinuities in a coating system including holidays, pinholes, and cracks. Other names include porosity detector, continuity tester, and holiday tester.
A high-voltage holiday test is performed by moving a charged electrode over the coated surface. When a holiday is encountered, current flows from the electrode into the substrate. The current returns to the detector through the ground (earth) wire, completing the circuit and triggering audible and visible alarms. An integrated peak reading voltmeter measures and displays the output voltages on the display while in use.
There are two types of pinhole detectors: low voltage (wet sponge) and high voltage (spark tester). Low voltage detectors, like the PosiTest LPD, are typically used on coating systems less than 500 µm (20 mils) thick. High voltage spark testers, like the PosiTest HHD operate at voltages up to 35,000V and are typically used on coatings more than 500 µm (20 mils) thick.
The HHD kit is supplied in a complete kit with:
A range of accessories are available for the HHD, including adaptors for electrodes, extension rods and handheld wand tools:
The PosiTest HHD Verifier is a calibrated voltmeter (crest meter, jeep meter) ideal for verifying the operating voltage of both Pulse and Continuous DC holiday detectors in the range from 500 to 35,000 Volts.
Ideal for field/laboratory verification of the PosiTest HHD High voltage Holiday Detector