The Pundit PI8000 is a combined Sonic Echo pile integrity and impact echo test system.
Pile integrity tests are used to confirm new piles are free of voiding and defects, and the test is also commonly used to assess the length of unknown piles.
Impact echo testing is used to test the thickness of concrete plates like walls and floor slabs, and to detect voiding, delamination and defects in concrete.
The PI8000's patented two in one design supports both pile integrity testing and impact echo testing in one sensor. The Pundit Impact App controls both tests and integrates with the Workspace cloud service.
Users are able to collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world with real-time connectivity with Screening Eagles cloud Workspace App, data synchronises to the Workspace webpage as users work. Collaboration is further improved with instant sharing between user accounts of full datasets in the Pundit Impact App.
The PI8000 quick reference guide provides information on operation and interpretation of Pile Test data