Galvanostatic Pulse Corrosion Rate

Galvanostatic Pulse measurements characterise corrosion rate of steel embedded in concrete, using an active measurement where electrical current is applied to a system, and voltage changes measured.

Test Systems


Equipment like the CorroMap uses a galvanostatic pulse principle to establish the corrosion current and therefore the corrosion rate of reinforcing steel.

The method uses a short duration anodic current pulse into the reinforcement galvanostatically from a counter electrode placed on the concrete surface together with a reference electrode.

By utilising the ohmic resistance (electrical resistance), the DC polarisation resistance over time, and the applied current, the corrosion current may be estimated with the Stern Geary equation.


For easy and quick evaluation FORCE Technology uses the following threshold values to categorise the risk of the corrosion rate:

  • < 0.5µA/cm2 Negligible
  • 0.5 - 5 µA/cm2 Slow
  • 5 - 15 µA/cm2 Moderate
  • > 15 µA/cm2 High