Rebar location equipment is used to locate hidden reinforcing steel, to measure the cover depth and in some cases may be used to estimate rebar diameter.

PM8000 Cover Meter

Since the early 1970s, Proceq have been developing rebar locators and concrete cover meters. The result is the Profometer PM8000, the world's most compact, versatile and precise cover meter and the best Profometer yet!

GP8000 - Concrete GPR

The GP8000 is a portable concrete GPR radar. Faster, easier concrete inspections and structural imaging with SFCW ground penetrating radar technology.

GP8100 - Concrete GPR Array

Proceq's GP8100 is a highly productive portable concrete GPR array, built for fast scanning of large areas and to quickly locate objects in concrete structures.

GP8800 - Compact Concrete GPR

The Proceq GP8800 is a ultracompact, wireless, ground penetrating radar (GPR) system for concrete. It is used as a concrete scanner to locate rebar, post tensioning, embedded conduits and other embedded objects, with the ability to fit into tighter places than other GPR.