Soil Compaction Hammers

$ 0.00 AUD

Moulds and rammers are used for determining the relationship between the moisture content and density of compacted soil.

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Compaction Hammers are used to compact the soil sample in the Proctor Moulds and made of plated steel. Different models are available conforming to the relevant standards.

Product Description Diameter Free Fall Height Mass of Rammer Weight
UTS-0605AS Standard Proctor Compaction Hammer with Round Foot. AS 50±0.4 mm 300±2.0 mm 2.7±0.01 kg 4 kg
UTS-0615AS Modified Proctor Compaction Hammer with Round Foot. AS 50±0.4 mm 450±2.0 mm 4.9±0.01 kg 8 kg
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AS 1289.5.1.1
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