Scientific's laboratory hot plates are suitable for general purpose heating applications where critical temperature stability is not required.

A range of accessories are available for use between the piston and rail assembly of Utest Flexural Testing Frames.

Utest’s flexural testing frames are designed with stiff construction to limit deformation under load. Each frame is compatible with a full range of testing accessories for conventional two or single point loadings and specialized tests for tiles, kerbs and other elements.

The Water Level Indicators (Electric Contact Meters) are easily transported, user-friendly and reliable instruments used for measuring water level and total depth in boreholes, wells, observation pipes, reservoirs. They are also used to control pumping tests.

The UTS Series of Pocket Dial Penetrometers are perfect tools to determine the penetration resistance of cohesive soil, especially when various range measurements are required.

The Field Inspection Testing Kit may be purchase with a Pocket Penetrometer and/or a Pocket Vane Tester.

The UTS-0024 Hand Boring and Sampling Set is used for augering down to a depth of 5 meters.

The AIV apparatus is designed to determine the Aggregate Impact Value of aggregates, which provides a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact.

Laarmann Test sieves are produced to comply with the specifications set out by the world's most demanding Standards.

Riffle boxes are used for dividing aggregates into 2 equal homogeneous quantities for testing.

The UTA-0320 Large Capacity Sample Splitter is used for splitting aggregate samples.

The UTS-2060.SMPR Automatic Direct / Residual Shear Test Machine is motorized and floor mounted, its test range covers the determination of consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material by direct shear.

The UTC-0545 L Shape Box is used for determining the passing ability rate of freshly mixed self compacting concrete.

The V Funnel apparatus has been designed to measure the flow time of freshly mixed self-compacting concrete.

The consolidation attributes of soils of low permeability can be determined with a One-dimensional Consolidation test. UTest's Oedometer is suitable to complete such a test.

The UTCM-0240 Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is used to measure the fineness of powders such as Portland cement and limes expressed in terms of their specific surface.

The setting time of cement is measured using the Vicat Method, this manual test set allows the operator to perform checks for initial and final set, recording their own times and results.

In a vicat test a needle drops freely into a cement sample. A sensor with 0.1mm resolution measures the penetration depth, as the cement hardness an initial and final setting times is measured and recorded.

The automatic range of single and double testing chamber compression and flexure test machines have been designed for reliable and consistent testing of mortar samples.

The Muffle Furnace range is ideal for a wide range of applications where high temperatures are required. It is commonly used for Loss on Ignition tests for Cement and Quicklime.

The UTCM-0020 High Pressure Cement Autoclave is designed to perform expansion tests on cement prism, 10 specimens can simultaneously be tested in the high pressure steam vessel.

The UTB-1500 is used for the examination of cut-back asphaltic materials by the distillation test.

A motorised Cement Flow Table is used for determining the consistency of mortar, lime and cement specimens.

A Cement Flow Table is used in determining the consistency of mortar, lime and cement specimens.

A Jolting Table is used for compacting of cement specimens in their mould and consists of mould table seated on a rotating cam. The machine is equipped with a counter which provides automatic shut off at end of preset drop numbers.

The UTR-0390-T Slake Durability Apparatus has been designed to examine how rocks deteriorate over a period of time, whilst being immersed in water.

A Cold Bending Machine is used for bending and re-bending tests of reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire for concrete and other applications.

The Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer is used for determination of needle penetration. To determine the penetration depth of the needle, a pulse type electronic measuring system is used.

The Semi-Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer is used to determine the penetration of bituminous samples under constant load, time and temperature.

The Automatic Ring and Ball Apparatus is a testing device for determining the softening point of bituminous materials as they are heated.

UTAS-0130 uses the ring and ball method to determine the softening point of bituminous materials.

The Centrifuges are used to measure the bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures.

The UTCM-0755 Mud Balance, an ideal equipment for site applications, provides an accurate and easy method for determining mud density. The accuracy of the readings is not affected by the temperature of the drilling mud.

The UTCM-0760E Wet Sieving Apparatus is used for determining the fineness of fly ash, cement or SCM.

The Sand Equivalent Shaker is used for the uniform shaking of Sand Equivalent Measuring Cylinders, at a specified rate and stroke.

The Sand Equivalent test set is used to determine empirically the fines content and type in samples of aggregates.

Whether for use in simple drying processes, ageing, curing or general investigations, Scientific ovens provide the ideal solution for diverse thermal applications.

The Slump Test method is most commonly used to determine the texture and workability of fresh concrete and to verify the similarity between batches of concrete.

A circulating pump is used with concrete curing tanks to prevent standing water and uneven temperature in the bath.

Automatic Compression Machines are used to determine compressive, splitting and flexural strengths. In Australia, the most common compressive strength testing procedures are cylinder strength tests for concrete according to AS 1012.9, and cube tests for cement materials.

Designed in response to feedback from labs Australia and NZ wide, our mould is the new winner for performance and cost. Accessories are available including collars, surcharges and base plates.

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a measure of the strength of subgrade soil and highway sub base and subgrade via a penetration test. It is designed for testing cohesive materials with a particle size less than 19mm, in Australia the governing standard is AS 1289.6.1.1. An automatic or multiplex machine is also available.

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a measure of the strength of subgrade soil and highway sub base and subgrade via a penetration test. It is designed for testing cohesive materials with a particle size less than 19mm, in Australia the governing standard is AS 1289.6.1. A manual or multiplex machine is also available.

Jigs may be used for testing rock cores for UCS or splitting testing applications.

A pressure unit supplies the confining pressure for a Hoek cell during a Triaxial Test.

A pressure unit supplies the confining pressure for a Hoek cell during a Triaxial Test.

The UTEST fixed amplitude vibrating tables are compact units providing controlled vibro-compaction for cube or cylinder moulds. Vibrating tables consist of a vibrating motor, command unit and clamping assembly.

Curing are designed for curing concrete cubes and cylinders. The temperature can be adjusted to a set temperature between ambient to 40 ºC with ± 2 ºC accuracy.

The UTC-1060 Automatic Grinding Machine provides fast grinding of concrete, rock, natural stone. etc. specimens to obtain plane and parallel surfaces according to standard requirements.

The mixer has been designed to mix mortars and cement pastes to standard requirements. The mixing paddles have a planetary motion and a driven by a motor with a microprocessor control, programable to meet standard mixing times.

The UTCM-0875 Manual Mortar Mixer has a 5 liter (approx.) capacity, they have been designed to mix mortars and cement pastes primarily to the requirements of standards.

The UTG-0130 10 litre capacity Laboratory Mixer is designed for mixing of soil and asphalt samples to be used for mechanical tests such as compaction, indirect tensile, Marshall etc.

Cement prism are used for compressive strength and flexural strength testing.

The Cone Penetrometer is used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state and used also for the determination of undrained shear strength.

The plastic limit (PL) is the term used for the lowest moisture content of a soil that will allow a sample to be rolled into threads of 3 mm diameter without the threads breaking.

This test method is used to measure the shrinkage ratio, volumetric shrinkage, shrinkage limit and linear shrinkage.

The UTEST Manual Liquid Limit Apparatus (Casagrande) is an apparatus used to measure the moisture content at which clay soils pass from plastic to liquid state.

The UTS-0235, Linear Shrinkage Mould is 140 mm long and has a radius of 12.5mm. It is used to determine the total linear shrinkage of soils and indicates the plastic properties of soils with low clay content.

The Foundation Test Gauge (FTG1) is a compact pile and shaft inspection tool utilising the Sonic Echo test method, otherwise known as the Pile Integrity Test (PIT).

Automatic Soil Compactor are designed to compact specimens automatically and uniformly, assuring conformity with Australian standards.

Moulds and rammers are used for determining the relationship between the moisture content and density of compacted soil.

Moulds and rammers are used for determining the relationship between the moisture content and density of compacted soil.

The UTAS-0670 Marshall Manual Assembly are used to prepare Marshall specimens manually.

The Automatic Marshall Compactor is designed to provide a stable and rigid mechanism to be used for preparation of bituminous specimens for Marshall Stability tests.

The Marshall Compaction Moulds are used to produce Marshall specimens with automatic or manual compactors.

The UTAS-1056.ACPR 50 kN Capacity Automatic Marshall Stability Test Machine is used to determine the maximum load and flow values of bituminous mixtures.

The Le Chatelier Moulds and Soundness Kit (along with a Water Bath) is used to measure the soundness of cement, fly ash for concrete and lime.

The UTCM-0003 Le Chatelier Flask has been designed to measure the density of: Hydraulic cement, Ground granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash for concrete, Filler aggregates and Lime.

The moulds are used for preparing the specimens for the purpose of determining the length changes (shrinkage/expansion) in hardened hydraulic cement mortar and concrete.

UTEST Steel Beam Moulds have been manufactured to comply with Australian Standards. The moulds have a two part and clamp attached base plate, and are extremely durable, corrosion resistant and simple to clean.

PCTE can supply Cylinder Moulds manufactured from either hard plastic or steel. The galvanised steel moulds have a two part and clamp attached base plate, and are extremely durable, corrosion resistant and simple to clean. Third generation moulds feature an improved finish, new handle and mechanism, and a flat join.

Hoek Cells are used to conduct triaxial tests of rock specimens. They are available configured for different rock cylinder diameters and or commonly used with resistive strain gauges fixed directly to the test cylinders.

A range of industrial balances available for CMT Lab Testing Requirements.

A Multiplex Machine is used to perform UCS [Uniaxial], Triaxial, CBR and Marshall Tests. The apparatus is capable of doing tests with the speed range of 0.00001 mm/min to 51 mm/min. The base machine designed with a sturdy and compact two column frame, with an adjustable upper cross beam. Additional accessories are required to suit the desired test methods, listed below.