Manual Hoek Pressure Unit

$ 0.00 AUD

A pressure unit supplies the confining pressure for a Hoek cell during a Triaxial Test.

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UTGE-3810 Manual (Hand Operated) Pressure Equipment is used for maintaining the constant lateral pressure in the Hoek triaxial cells and consists of a hydraulic hand pump with oil reservoir (UTGE-3800), digital/force manometer (UTGM-1444), and a 2m long flexible hose with quick release coupling (UTGP-1144).

The user will also require an automatic compression testing machine to apply the vertical load required for triaxial and uniaxial tests.

To see the details of Hoek Cells required for triaxial testing of rock specimens, please look at the page of Hoek Triaxial Cells.

Max. Working Pressure 70 MPa
Dimensions 1050x500x300 mm
Weigth (approx.) 20 kg
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