Semi-Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer

$ 0.00 AUD

The Semi-Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer is used to determine the penetration of bituminous samples under constant load, time and temperature.

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Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials
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AS 2341.12
Methods of testing bitumen and related roadmaking products, Method 12: Determination of penetration
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The Penetrometer consists of a cast iron base with coarse and fine levelling screws, a penetration timer unit, and a digital penetration measurement gauge with 0.01 mm readability.

To start the 5 second test, the user must press the start button of the penetration timer unit and the plunger, which is fitted with the needle, will be released.

A water bath (UTGE-4000 or UTGE-4050, 25±0,1 C) and a thermometer (IP38, ASTM 17C or 63C) required for the test should be ordered separately.

The Semi-Automatic Digital Penetrometer is supplied complete with;

  • Penetration Needle, 2,5g, 1 pieces
  • Transfer Dish
  • Sample Cup Ø 55x35 mm, 3 pieces, stainless steel

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