The UTB-1500 is used for the examination of cut-back asphaltic materials by the distillation test.
The UTB-1500 is used for the examination of cut-back asphaltic materials by the distillation test.
The Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer is used for determination of needle penetration. To determine the penetration depth of the needle, a pulse type electronic measuring system is used.
The Semi-Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer is used to determine the penetration of bituminous samples under constant load, time and temperature.
The Automatic Ring and Ball Apparatus is a testing device for determining the softening point of bituminous materials as they are heated.
UTAS-0130 uses the ring and ball method to determine the softening point of bituminous materials.
The Centrifuges are used to measure the bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures.
The UTAS-0670 Marshall Manual Assembly are used to prepare Marshall specimens manually.
The Automatic Marshall Compactor is designed to provide a stable and rigid mechanism to be used for preparation of bituminous specimens for Marshall Stability tests.
The Marshall Compaction Moulds are used to produce Marshall specimens with automatic or manual compactors.
The UTAS-1056.ACPR 50 kN Capacity Automatic Marshall Stability Test Machine is used to determine the maximum load and flow values of bituminous mixtures.