Liquid Limit Cone Penetrometer

$ 0.00 AUD

The Cone Penetrometer is used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state and used also for the determination of undrained shear strength.

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The Semi-Automatic Cone Penetrometer for liquid limit consists of a frame with a levelling screws and screw gear assembly with hand wheel for vertical adjustment, a digital penetration measurement gauge with 0.01 mm resolution / readability, a digital timer, a magnifying lens and a low voltage illuminator mounted on flexible arms.

Penetration time 0-99 sec. can be set up by user with the digital timer. The timer will allow the cone to free fall into the sample for the engaged time interval and then lock the cone from advancing while providing a direct reading of the test results.

Each cone supplied complete with its shaft. A Penetration cone, cone test gauge and sample cups should be ordered separately.

UTGH-1435 UTGH-1440 UTGH-1442 UTGH-1444
Ø (75±2) mm x h (50±2) mm Ø (55+2) mm x h (30±2) mm Ø (55+2) mm x h (40±2) mm Ø (55+2) mm x h (40±2) mm
Dimensions 210x220x500 mm
Weight (approx.) 14 kg
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AS 1289.3.9.1
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the cone liquid limit of a soil
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