Vibrating Tables

$ 0.00 AUD

The UTEST fixed amplitude vibrating tables are compact units providing controlled vibro-compaction for cube or cylinder moulds. Vibrating tables consist of a vibrating motor, command unit and clamping assembly.

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The UTEST fixed amplitude vibrating tables are compact units providing controlled vibro-compaction forcube or cylinder moulds. Vibrating tables consist of vibrating motor, command unit and clamping assembly.  

For laboratory use the table is availablein two alternative model. The small table accepts 2, large table accepts 6 cube or cylinder moulds by using clamping assembly.

UTC-0900 and UTC-0910 tables can also be used for beam moulds.

For on site applications, portable UTC-0920 Vibrating Table is designed for preparing the cube or cylinder specimens by vibration. 1 or 2 pcs. cube or cylinder mould can be clamped on the table depending on outer size of the mould to be used.

UTC-0920 Vibration Tables are supplied complete with a converter (DC to AC).

Product Code Samples Dimensions Weight Power
UTC-0900 2-4 380 x 640 x 790 mm 58 kg 180 W
UTC-0910 6-12 500 x 1000 x 1050 mm 124 kg 180 W
UTC-0920 2-4 500 x 500 x 730 mm 20 kg 180 W

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