Olson's Light Weight Deflectometer conforms to ASTM standard E2835-11 for plate deflection measurement due to an impulse load.
Measure in-situ soil modulus to ensure soil compaction requirements are met project-wide on subgrade, subbase and roadbase.
Olson's LWD measures plate deflection due to an impulse load and is used with your user-supplied tablet.
Importantly, the Light Weight Deflectometer LWD-1 measures the actual impulse force in order to calculate stiffness (peak force ÷ peak displacement) and modulus based on soil type (granular, clay, or mixed).
Olson's LWD-LAB option is a compact unit with a lighter weight to match loading pressure and impulse duration time in Proctor molds to in situ field testing for determination of the target soil modulus.
Using LWD provided modulus and moisture content from field samples, Olson's LWD plots ensure the lab Target elastic modulus has been achieved.
(Windows Tablet not included, and required)