These chips are designed as a visual and tactile comparator for identifying the degree of surface roughness. The user compares prepared concrete to the CSP chips and reports the chip number that most closely resembles the surface.

A range of accessories are available for use between the piston and rail assembly of Utest Flexural Testing Frames.

Utest’s flexural testing frames are designed with stiff construction to limit deformation under load. Each frame is compatible with a full range of testing accessories for conventional two or single point loadings and specialized tests for tiles, kerbs and other elements.

The UTC-0545 L Shape Box is used for determining the passing ability rate of freshly mixed self compacting concrete.

The V Funnel apparatus has been designed to measure the flow time of freshly mixed self-compacting concrete.

The compaction factor of concrete with low, medium and high workability can be determined by using the UTC-0580 Compacting Factor Apparatus.

The Slump Test method is most commonly used to determine the texture and workability of fresh concrete and to verify the similarity between batches of concrete.

A circulating pump is used with concrete curing tanks to prevent standing water and uneven temperature in the bath.

Automatic Compression Machines are used to determine compressive, splitting and flexural strengths. In Australia, the most common compressive strength testing procedures are cylinder strength tests for concrete according to AS 1012.9, and cube tests for cement materials.

The UTEST fixed amplitude vibrating tables are compact units providing controlled vibro-compaction for cube or cylinder moulds. Vibrating tables consist of a vibrating motor, command unit and clamping assembly.

Curing are designed for curing concrete cubes and cylinders. The temperature can be adjusted to a set temperature between ambient to 40 ºC with ± 2 ºC accuracy.

The UTC-1060 Automatic Grinding Machine provides fast grinding of concrete, rock, natural stone. etc. specimens to obtain plane and parallel surfaces according to standard requirements.

UTEST Steel Beam Moulds have been manufactured to comply with Australian Standards. The moulds have a two part and clamp attached base plate, and are extremely durable, corrosion resistant and simple to clean.

PCTE can supply Cylinder Moulds manufactured from either hard plastic or steel. The galvanised steel moulds have a two part and clamp attached base plate, and are extremely durable, corrosion resistant and simple to clean. Third generation moulds feature an improved finish, new handle and mechanism, and a flat join.